IGME's information pertaining to earth sciences. It includes maps, databases, documents, etc.
Discover easily available geoscientific web applications and sites.
Discover easily available spatial data. Evaluate their suitability for a purpose and get links to the dataset in different formats.
Query entities from different datasets. It is possible to display the main attributes of the entities and its location on a map. It is also possible to access detailed information on the entities and the URLS to access the dataset in different formats.
Display map services and identify features, add WMS and ArcGIS Server services, access to additional information for the layers (metadata, legend, etc.) and the identified features (reports, pictures, etc).
This site lists all the web map services provided by IGME. It includes a brief description, a map to preview the dataset and the WMS, ArcGIS Server, KMZ and ArcGIS Online addresses.
Access the geological and thematic geological maps published by IGME.