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Geo_FPI dataset catalog

Catalog with interesting datasets for the Geo_FPI project


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23 results
Geological map of the South Portuguese Zone. Scale 1:400.000. 2020 edition.
Geological map of the South Portuguese Zone, at a scale of 1:400,000, in which the geological legend on both sides of the border has been harmonized, with unified criteria between Spain and Portugal. This cartography is a product resulting from the GEO_FPI project: GEO_FPI: cross-border observatory for the geo-economic evaluation of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the program INTERREG V-A Spain– Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020. The main beneficiary of the project is the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME). Additionally, the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Ministry of Employment, Enterprise and Commerce of the Andalusian Government (JA) and the Portuguese National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG) and the Municipal Chamber of Aljustrel (CMA) are partners of the project.
Geological map of the Transboundary Zone of Spain and Portugal. South Portuguese Zone. Scale 1:200.000. Sheet 1.
Geological map of the South Portuguese Zone, at a scale of 1:200,000, in which the geological legend on both sides of the border has been harmonized, with unified criteria between Spain and Portugal. This cartography is a product resulting from the GEO_FPI project: GEO_FPI: cross-border observatory for the geo-economic evaluation of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the program INTERREG V-A Spain– Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020. The main beneficiary of the project is the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME). Additionally, the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Ministry of Employment, Enterprise and Commerce of the Andalusian Government (JA) and the Portuguese National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG) and the Municipal Chamber of Aljustrel (CMA) are partners of the project.
Mapa de patrimonio minero de Galicia. Escala 1:400.000.
Mapa de patrimonio minero de Galicia, a escala 1:400.000, en el que sobre la base geológica simplificada, se ha representado una selección de puntos considerados de interés patrimonial minero de Galicia.
Metallogenic map of the South Portuguese Zone. Scale 1:400.000. 2020 edition.
Metallogenic map of the South Portuguese Zone at a scale of 1:400,000, in which on the harmonized geological basis, with unified criteria between Spain and Portugal, the main metallic mineral occurrences located in the area have been represented, indicating their magnitude, substance and morphology. This cartography is a product resulting from the GEO_FPI project: GEO_FPI: cross-border observatory for the geo-economic evaluation of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the program INTERREG V-A Spain– Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020. The main beneficiary of the project is the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME). Additionally, the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Ministry of Employment, Enterprise and Commerce of the Andalusian Government (JA) and the Portuguese National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG) and the Municipal Chamber of Aljustrel (CMA) are partners of the project.
Rocks and industrial minerals map of the South Portuguese Zone. Sc ale 1:400.000. 2020 edition.
Rocks and industrial minerals map of the South Portuguese Zone, at a scale of 1:400,000, in which on the harmonized geological base, with unified criteria between Spain and Portugal, the main non-metallic mineral occurrences and nonmetallic and industrial mineral mines in the area have been represented , indicating its status (active, abandoned or intermittent), size, use and substance. This cartography is a product resulting from the GEO_FPI project: GEO_FPI: cross-border observatory for the geo-economic evaluation of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the program INTERREG V-A Spain– Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020. The main beneficiary of the project is the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME). Additionally, the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Ministry of Employment, Enterprise and Commerce of the Andalusian Government (JA) and the Portuguese National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG) and the Municipal Chamber of Aljustrel (CMA) are partners of the project.
Geological and mining heritage map of the South Portuguese Zone. Scale 1:400.000. 2020 edition.
Geological and mining heritage map at 1:400.000 scale of the South Portuguese Zone in which, on the harmonized geological base and with unified criteria between Spain and Portugal, the main geological and mining heritage sites that can be visited have been
Mapa del patrimonio minero de Extremadura. Escala 1:400.000.
Mapa del patrimonio minero de Extremadura, a escala 1:400.000, en el que sobre la base geológica simplificada, se ha representado una selección de puntos considerados de interés patrimonial minero de Extremadura. Realizado en convenio con la consejería de Industria, Energía y Medio ambiente de la Junta de Extremadura.
MAGNA 3.0 - Geological map of Spain, scale 1:50.000
The Geological Map of Spain 3rd series is a new cartographic product that represents an update and improvement of the geological cartography of the MAGNA series and is extended with new cartographies aimed at being an infrastructural base for land use planning (thematic geomorphological and active processes cartography). In the Geologic Map the nature of the materials (rocks and sediments) appearing on the terrestrial surface are represented, its spatial distribution and the geometric relations between the different cartographic units. A geologic cartographic unit is the grouping of one or several lithologies within a common age interval, that has a representation in the map to a defined scale or resolution. Each cartographic unit, as well as the different geologic structures, are displayed on the map with their own simbology. The representation of these units on top the topographic map provides some three-dimensional information that is completed with other geological data and geological sections, stratigraphic profiles, boreholes, etc. The map legend is a pictogram representing the spatial relationship between the different cartographic units (chronology, superposition, geometric relationship, lateral facies changes, etc.). It also includes structural, hydrogeological and geological location schemas of the sheet within its regional level.
MAGNA 50 - Geological map of Spain, scale 1:50.000
The National Geological Map (MAGNA in Spanish), was conducted between 1972 and 2003 by the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME). It is distributed in 1: 50.000 sheets (1:25.000 in the particular cases of the Canary Islands, Ibiza-Formentera, Menorca, Ceuta and Melilla). In the Geologic Map the nature of the materials (rocks and sediments) appearing on the terrestrial surface are represented, its spatial distribution and the geometric relations between the different cartographic units. A geologic cartographic unit is the grouping of one or several lithologies within a common age interval, that has a representation in the map to a defined scale or resolution. Each cartographic unit, as well as the different geologic structures, are displayed on the map with their own simbology. The representation of these units on top the topographic map provides some three-dimensional information that is completed with other geological data and geological sections, stratigraphic profiles, boreholes, etc. The map legend is a pictogram representing the spatial relationship between the different cartographic units (chronology, superposition, geometric relationship, lateral facies changes, etc.). It also includes structural, hydrogeological and geological location schemas of the sheet within its regional level.
GEODE - Continuous digital geological map of Spain , scale 1:50.000
This map shows the result of the cartographic homogenization of the MAGNA series (The National Geological Map 1:50.000 scale). Due to the lengthy execution of this series, there are many differences between the first and the last maps. ir initial and final phases regarding allocation criteria geological units, level of detail, continuity of geological units and structures at the edges of sheets, codification and symbology are noticed. In order to correct coding and symbol problems, differences in the level of detail, geological units and structures continuity, in 2004 the GEODE project began. This project addressed the creation of a 1:50.000 scale continuous digital geological map. The project includes 19 regional projects linked to their corresponding geological areas. The three main goals of GEODE project are: • To provide cartographic continuity to the geological sheets of MAGNA series within each region. • To generate a unified legend of geological units for each region. • To adapt the geological features to a unified topographic map, created within the GEODE project from the Spanish Topographic Map 1:25000 of the National Geographic Institute (IGN). Mapa de distribución Distribution map
Carta radiométrica (contagem total). Escala 1/400.000. Edición 2016
Mapa Radiométrico (contagem total) da Zona Sul Portugesa, Faixa Piritosa Ibérica. Escala 1/400.000. Edición 2016. Realizado pela LNEG em 2016. Autores: Maria João Batista, Luís Torres, Jaime Leote, Cátia Praceres, Jorge Saravia, João Carvalho, João Xavier Matos. Cartografia desenvolvida dentro do projeto de investigação EXPLORA, financiado pelo programa Alentejo2020, Portugal 2020/FEDER e sediado no LNEG Aljustrel. Entre os seus objetivos encontram-se o estudo de modelos geológicos, geoquímicos e geofísicos na região de Neves-Corvo, principal centro mineiro da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica.
Carta Magnética (campo total reduzido do IGRF). Escala 1:400.000. Edición 2016
Mapa Magnético (campo total reduzido do IGRF) da Zona Sul Portuguesa, Faixa Piritosa Ibérica. Escala 1/400.000. Edición 2016. Realizado por LNEG en 2016. Autores: Patricia Represas, Pedro Sousa, João Carvalho, Luis Torres, João Xavier Matos. Cartografia desenvolvida dentro do projeto de investigação EXPLORA, financiado pelo programa Alentejo2020, Portugal 2020/FEDER e sediado no LNEG Aljustrel. Entre os seus objetivos encontram-se o estudo de modelos geológicos, geoquímicos e geofísicos na região de Neves-Corvo, principal centro mineiro da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica.
Carta Gravimétrica (Anomalía de Bouguer). Escala 1/400.000. Edición 2016
Mapa Gravimétrico (Anomalía de Bouguer) da Zona Sul Portuguesa, Faixa Piritosa Ibérica. Escala 1/400.000. Edición 2016. Realizado por LNEG en 2016. Autores: Patricia Represas, Pedro Sousa, Luís Torres, Marques Bengala, João Xavier Matos. Cartografia desenvolvida dentro do projeto de investigação EXPLORA, financiado pelo programa Alentejo2020, Portugal 2020/FEDER e sediado no LNEG Aljustrel. Entre os seus objetivos encontram-se o estudo de modelos geológicos, geoquímicos e geofísicos na região de Neves-Corvo, principal centro mineiro da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica
Carta Geoquímica de Cobre em solos. Escala 1/400.000. Edición 2016
Carta Geoquímica de Cobre em solos da Zona Sul Portuguesa, Faixa Piritosa Ibérica. Escala 1/400.000. Edición 2016. Realizado por LNEG en 2016. Autores: M.J. Batista y J.X. Matos. Cartografia desenvolvida dentro do projeto de investigação EXPLORA, financiado pelo programa Alentejo2020, Portugal 2020/FEDER e sediado no LNEG Aljustrel. Entre os seus objetivos encontram-se o estudo de modelos geológicos, geoquímicos e geofísicos na região de Neves-Corvo, principal centro mineiro da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica.
geoPortal del LNEG
Cartografía al servicio del conocimiento del territorio
LNEG's map services
This site lists all the web map services provided by LNEG.
Litoteca de sondeos
Datos relativos a las columnas de sondeos y cortes estratigráficos realizados en sus trabajos por el IGME. Los parámetros de búsqueda son variados: empresa, ubicación, coordenadas, sustancias y el objetivo.
IGME's map services
This site lists all the web map services provided by IGME. It includes a description, the WMS, ArcGIS Server, KMZ and ArcGIS Online addresses and a map to preview the dataset.
Spanish Inventory of Geological Sites of Interest
Esta aplicación permite acceder a la base de datos del Inventario Español de Lugares de Interés Geológico (IELIG) que, de acuerdo con la Ley 42/2007, debe elaborar y actualizar el Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, con la colaboración de las Comunidades Autónomas y de las instituciones de carácter científico. El Real Decreto 1274/2011, encomienda al IGME la finalización de este inventario.
Inventario Andaluz de Georrecursos (2011)
La Estrategia Andaluza de Gestión Integrada de la Geodiversidad, aprobada en el año 2010 por Consejo de Gobierno de la Junta de Andalucía, define las líneas maestras de actuación en relación a la gestión de este excepcional patrimonio, las cuales incluyen su protección, identificación, investigación, valoración y diagnóstico. En el marco del desarrollo de estas líneas de trabajo y del cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos en la Estrategia se situa la actualización del Inventario Andaluz de Georrecursos, que se publica en el presente formato de aplicación para su difusión y divulgación. Esta actualización, cuyos trabajos terminaron a principios del año 2011, es fruto del esfuerzo y colaboración de numerosos expertos e investigadores en el campo de la Geología y las Ciencias de la Tierra, de la participación de equipos técnicos especializados y de la implicación de diferentes administraciones, instituciones científico técnicas y otras organizaciones.
Mapa Geológico de Espanha e Portugal à escala 1:1.000.000
O Novo Mapa Geológico de Espanha e Portugal é um documento inovador porque, além da cartografia geológica tradicional da área emersa, inclui também a geologia da plataforma continental que rodeia a Península Ibérica e a das ilhas mediterrânicas e atlânticas pertencentes aos dois países.
Red de Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Andalucía (RENPA)
La Red de Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Andalucía (RENPA) se conforma por un total de 249 áreas protegidas, sobre las que pueden recaer una o más figuras de protección, mediante: Figuras de protección por la legislación nacional y autonómica (Parques Nacionales, Parques Naturales, Reservas Naturales, Parajes Naturales, Paisajes Protegidos, Monumentos Naturales, Reservas Naturales Concertadas y Parques Periurbanos), Figuras de protección de la Red Natura 2000 (Zonas de Especial Protección para la Aves ZEPA), Zonas Especiales de Conservación ZEC) y Figuras de protección por instrumentos y acuerdos internacionales: Patrimonio de la Humanidad, Reservas de la Biosfera, Geoparques Mundiales de la Unesco, Humedales incluidos en el convenio Ramsar y Zonas Especialmente Protegidas de Importancia para el Mediterráneo ZEPIM)
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