Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  Fault inversion vs. new thrust generation; a case study in the Malargue fold-and thrust belt, Andes of Argentina; reply
Elsevier; Oxford; III; International, 2012
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2.-  Kinematic analysis of the Atuel depocenter; a Late Triassic to Early Jurassic rift, Neuquen Basin, west-central Argentina
[International Geological Congress]; [location varies]; III; International, 2008
33rd international geological congress; abstracts
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3.-  Pre-Andean deformation of the Precordillera southern sector, southern Central Andes
Geological Society of America; Boulder, CO; USA; United States, 2011
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4.-  Thrust belts of the southern Central Andes; along-strike variations in shortening, topography, crustal geometry, and denudation
Geological Society of America (GSA); Boulder, CO; USA; United States, 2012
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5.-  Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic extension of southwestern Gondwana and the origin of the Neuquen Basin; insights from analogue models
International Gondwana Symposium; [s.l.]; III; International, 2011
Gondwana 14; abstracts
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