Registros del 1 al 4 de 4 encontrados |
 1.- Fluid-escape structures and slope instabilities along the French Guiana margin
Copernicus GmbH on behalf of the European Geosciences Union (EGU); Katlenburg-Lindau; DEU; Federal R, 2009
European Geosciences Union general assembly 2009
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 2.- Slope instability on the French Guiana transform margin from swath-bathymetry and 3.5kHz echograms
Springer; Dordrecht - Boston - London; III; International, 2010
Submarine mass movements and their consequences; 4th international symposium
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 3.- Structure of the Demerara Plateau; syn- and post-rift deformations at the intersection of transform and divergent margin segments
Copernicus GmbH on behalf of the European Geosciences Union (EGU); Katlenburg-Lindau; DEU; Federal R, 2009
European Geosciences Union general assembly 2009
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 4.- The tsunami of Djidjelli (eastern Algeria) of August 22nd, 1856; the seismotectonic context and its modelling
IUGG; [location varies]; III; International, 2007
Earth; our changing planet; proceedings of IUGG XXIV general assembly
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