Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Resultados de la consulta :
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
 Registros del al 4 de 4 encontrados

1.-  Churi-tepui Cave System; inside the second largest quartzite cave in the world
National Speleological Society; Huntsville, AL; USA; United States, 2010
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2.-  La cueva Muchimuk-Colibri, deuxieme plus longue cavite de quartzite du monde, et autres reseaux du Churi-tepui (Venezuela) ;The Muchimuk-Colibri Cave, second longest quartzite cavity in the world, and other research in Churi-tepui (Venezuela)
Federation Francaise de Speleologie; Paris; FRA; France, 2010
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3.-  Pieskovcove jaskyne vo Venezuele; novy pohl'ad na ich genezu ;Sandstone caves in Venezuela; a new look at their origin
Geocomplex, a.s. Bratislava; Bratislava; SVK; Slovak Republic, 2009
8 vyrocny predvianocny seminar Slovenskej geologickej spolocnosti; Nove poznatky o stavbe a vyvoji Zapadnych Karpat ;8th annual seminar of the Slovak Geological Society; new data on geology and evolution of the Western Carpathians
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4.-  Venezuelan sandstone caves; a new view on their genesis, hydrogeology and speleothems
Institute of Geology; Zagreb; HRV; Croatia, 2008
100th anniversary of the research on fossil algae in Croatia
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