Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  Basin evolution and provenance variations in the Miocene Atuel Basin, El Sosneado region, Mendoza, Argentina
Geological Society of America (GSA); Boulder, CO; USA; United States, 2012
Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 64th annual meeting
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2.-  Margin-parallel paired magmatic belts in Baja-California and New Zealand at approximately 160-90 Ma
Geological Society of New Zealand; Lower Hutt; NZL; New Zealand, 2003
Geological Society of New Zealand 2003 annual conference; programme and abstracts
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3.-  Neogene basin evolution in the las Penas Basin, Salagasta region, Mendoza, Argentina
Geological Society of America (GSA); Boulder, CO; USA; United States, 2012
Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 64th annual meeting
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