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1.- Atlas and glossary of primary sedimentary structures Potter, Paul Edwin; Riggi, Juan Carlos, trad.; Pettijohn, Francis J. Berlin: Springer, 1964 II / 15 - 6 - 17; Geología Ver registro
2.- Carbonate mud-mounds. Their origin and evolution Monty, Claude L.V., ed.; Pratt, B.R., ed.; Bosence, Dan W.J., ed.; Bridges, P.H., ed; International Association of Sedimentologists, ed. Oxford: Blackwell Scientifics, IAS, 1995 Special publications of the International Association of Sedimentologists Geología Ver registro
3.- CARBONATE platform sediments 1997. Production of reservoir fluids in frontier conditions. Zhenkui Jin, ed; Zengzhao Feng, ed.; Fairchild, Ian J., ed.; Insalaco, E.,ed; Satterley, A.K.,ed Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1998 Sedimentary geology Revistas Ver registro
4.- Carbonate platform systems: components and interactions Insalaco, E.,ed; Palmer, T.J., ed.; Skelton, Peter W., ed. London: Geological Society, 2000 Geological Society Special Publication Geología Ver registro
5.- Ciclo de seminarios de sedimentologia: Sedimentacion fluvial.Sedimentacion lacustre.Sedimentacion en costas siliciclasticas, deltas y mares someros Diaz Molina, M.; Gabaldon López, V., coord.; Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, ed.; Anadon Monzon, Pedro; Dabrio González, Cristino Jose Madrid: IGME, 1984 II/3-3-7; IV/11-2-23 ; Peñarroya S/4-2.73 Ver registro
6.- Estratigrafía y sedimentologia del Alcudiense superior en los anticlinorios de Ibor y Navazuelas - Robledollano García-Hidalgo, Jose F. Madrid: Complutense, 1985 Seminarios de Estratigrafia.Serie Monografías I/15-5-35 Ver registro
7.- Fluvial sedimentology IV. Sixth International Conference on fluvial sedimentology, held 22-26 September 1997 in Cape Town, South Africa Rogers, J., ed.; Smith, N.D., ed.; Congreso - International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology (6. Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica) Oxford: Blackwell, 1999 Special publication of International Association of Sedimentologists IAS Geología Ver registro
8.- Geochemical sediments and landscapes Nash, D,J., ed.; McLaren, Sue J., ed. Malden: Blackwell, 2007 RGS-IBG Book series IV/12-8-28 ; II/30-3-4.5 (usuarios internos) Ver registro
9.- Karroo-system und prakambrische unterlage in nordlichen Angola: II. Diagenese und sedimentologie des Karroo-systems Oesterlen, Mathis Hannover: Geologische Landesamtern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 1979 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B: Regionale Geologie Ausland Revistas Ver registro
10.- Lithostratigraphy and structure of the palaeoproterozoic lower Padbury group, Milgun 1:100.000 sheet, Western Australia Martin, D. McB; Geological Survey of Western Australia, ed. Perth: GSWA, 1998 Report/ Geological survey of Western Australia Revistas Ver registro