Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

Catálogo Biblioteca IGME

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1.-  Hydrothermal activity on the east Pacific rise: stages of development
Holler, Gerhild; Marchig, Vesna; Shipboard Scientific Party
Hannover: Geologische Landesamtern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 1990
Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B: Regionale Geologie Ausland
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2.-  Paleogeographic evolution of the Atlantic Ocean during the Late Cretaceous a synthesis of micropaleontological and lithological data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and from adjacente continental areas
Cepek, Pavel; Kothe, Angelika; Weiss, Wolfgang; Wolfart, Reinhard
Hannover: Geologische Landesamtern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 1985
Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B: Regionale Geologie Ausland
Recursos Minerales; Revistas
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