Registros del 1 al 10 de 12 encontrados |
1.- EVOLUCION geologica del margen Norte de la Placa del Caribe, República Dominicana Hernaiz Huerta,P.P.,ed; Pérez Estaun, Andres, ed.; Tavares, I., ed.; García Cortes, A., ed. 2002 Acta Geológica Hispanica Revistas Ver registro
2.- Excursion 5B: Pre-Acadian sedimentary rocks of the Meguma Zone, Nova Scotia: a passive continetal margin juxtaposed against a volcanic island arc: August 29-September 1, 1982: [Field excursión, Guide book] Schenk, Paul E.; Lane, Tom E.; Congreso - International Congress of Sedimentology (11 .1982. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) [Hamilton (Ontario, Canada): The Congress, [1982?] III/5-2-31 Ver registro
3.- Geology and basins history of middle Costa Rica : an intraoceanic island and arc in the convergence between the Caribbean and the central Pacific plates Campos Bejarano, Lolita 2001 Tubinger Geowisschafltliche Arbeiten. Reihe A Revistas Ver registro
4.- ISLAND arc: Cenozoic stratigraphy and tectonics of Japan H.Kato and H.Noro,editors; Geological Survey of Japan, ed.; Kato,H.~ed; Noro,H.~ed Tsukuba: Geological Survey of Japan, 1992 29th IGC field trip guide book II/19-3-40 Ver registro
5.- Magma genesis and slab wedge interaction across an island ar continent collision zone, East Sunda Arc, Indonesia Hoogewerff, J.A. Utrecht: Mededelingen van de Faculteit Aardwetenschappen. Universiteit Utrecht, 1999 Geológica Ultraiectina Revistas Ver registro
6.- MID to deep crustal processes in the island arc setting : the metamorphic belts of Japan Wallis, S.,ed; Komatsu, M.,ed; Banno, S.,ed Blackwell Science, 1998 Journal of metamorphic geology Revistas Ver registro
7.- Notes on the geology of Ecuador with special reference to the Western Cordillera Kehrer, Wilhelm; Kaaden, Gerrit van der Hannover: Geologische Landesamtern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 1979 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B: Regionale Geologie Ausland Revistas Ver registro
8.- PALEOZOIC and mesozoic terranes: Basement of the japanese islands arcs Nagoya University, ed.; Mamoru Adachi ans Kazuhiro Suzuki,editors; Adachi,M~ed; Suzuki, K., ed. Nagoya: University, 1992 29th IGC field trip guide book II/19-3-39 Ver registro
9.- Precambrian history of the eastern Nuba Mountains, central Sudan Brinkmann, Klaus; Hohndorf, Axel; Kreuzer, Hans; Lenz, Heinz; Steiner, Lothar Hannover: Geologische Landesamtern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 1994 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B: Regionale Geologie Ausland Revistas Ver registro
10.- Silicic volcanism and crustal evolution in oceanic arcs Tamura, Y., ed.; Wysoczanski, R., ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006 Journal of volcanology and geothermal reseach Revistas Ver registro