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1.- High temperature-low pressure metamorphism and deep crustal structures: meeting of IGCP project 304 "Deep Crustal Processes" in Finland, September 16-20, 1994 Congreso - Programa Internacional de Correlación Geológica. Proyecto 304. Reunion (1994. Finlandia); Pajunen, Matti, ed. [Espoo, Finlandia]: Geologian Tutkimuskeskus, 1994 Guide/ Geological Survey of Finland III/3-2-23 Ver registro
2.- Neue beobachtungen zur gneis-und granittektonik in mittleren Schwarzwald Schadel, Karl; Stober, Ingrid Hannover: Geologische Landesamtern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 1988 Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe A. Allgemeine und regionale geologie Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Nachbargebiete Tektonik, Stratigraphie, Palaontologie Revistas Ver registro
3.- Shock Waves in Condensed Matter: [Proceedings of the Fourth American Physical Society Topical Conference on Shock Waves in Condensed Matter, held July 22-25, 1985, in Spokane, Washington] Fondo Documental Asociado (1 documento/s): Visualizar Documento Congreso - American Physical Society. Topical Conference on Shock Waves in Condensed Matter (4. 1985. Spokane, Washington, Estados Unidos); Gupta, Yogendra M., ed. New York; London: Plenum Press, 1986 Acceso electrónico (sólo desde el IGME) Ver registro