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1.- Anatectic origin and further petrogeneis of almandine-bearing biotite-cordierite-labradorite-dacite with many inclusion of restite and basaltoid material, Cerro del Hoyazo, SE Spain: (with data on the adjoining part of the Sierra Alhamilla) Zeck, Hubert Peter Groningen: V.R.B., 1968 Geologisch Instituut Mededeeling Revistas Ver registro
2.- Archaean felsic volcanism in parts of the Eastern Goldfields region Western Australia Western Australia Morris, Paul Andrew; Geological Survey of Western Australia, ed. Perth: GSWA, 1998 Report/ Geological survey of Western Australia Revistas Ver registro
3.- Notes on the geology of Ecuador with special reference to the Western Cordillera Kehrer, Wilhelm; Kaaden, Gerrit van der Hannover: Geologische Landesamtern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 1979 Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B: Regionale Geologie Ausland Revistas Ver registro