Registros del 1 al 3 de 3 encontrados |
1.- Climate stratigraphy: principles and applications in subsuface correlation Nio, S.D.; bohm, A.R.; Brouwer, J.H.; Smith, David G.; Jong, Matheus G.G. de [S.l.]: EAGE, 1990 Short courses series Geología Ver registro
2.- Geodiversität von Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein Seijmonsbergen, Arie C.; Jong, Matheus G.G. de; Graaff, Leo W.S. de; Anders, Niels S. Zürich: Haupt, Bristol-Stiftung, 2014 Bristol-Schriftenreihe III/8-8-36 Ver registro
3.- Quaternary deposits and landform of western allgau (Germany) and the deglatiation after the last major pleistocen e ice advance Jong, Matheus G.G. de F - A / 1239| Ver registro