Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

Catálogo Biblioteca IGME

Flecha Ayuda

  Resultados de la consulta con:
  el término Egeler, C.G. en el campo autor
 Registros del al 10 de 29 encontrados

1.-  Considerations on the grouping of the tectonic units of the Betic Zone, southern Spain
Rondeel, Harmanus E.; Simon, Otto Jan; Egeler, C.G.
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2.-  Distinct phases of alpine overthrusting and subsequent thrusting in the eastern part of the Betic zone of Spain
Egeler, C.G.; Bodenhausen, J.W.A.
[S.l.]: Geologie en Mijbouw, 1964
C 602 - 41
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3.-  Distinct phases of alpines overthrusting and subsequent thrusting in the eastern part of the Betic zone of Spain
Bodenhausen, J.W.A.; Egeler, C.G.
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4.-  Nota preliminar sobre la geologia de la llamada zona mixta tal como se desarrolla en el extremo este dela sierra de los Filabres (S.E. de España)
Nijhmis, H.L.; Roever, W.P. de; Egeler, C.G.
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5.-  Occurrence of Betic of Malaga elements on the Southeastern par of the Betic Cordilleres (S.E. Spain)
Egeler, C.G.; BOOY, T. de
[Amsterdam: s.n.], 1960
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6.-  On the evolution of structure and metamorphism during the Alpine orogeny in the eastern and Central Betic Zone (Betic Cordilleras, Spain)
Egeler, C.G.
F - A / 87
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7.-  On the evolution of structure and metamorphism during the Alpine orogeny in the eastern and central Betic zone (Betic cordilleras, Spain)
Egeler, C.G.
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8.-  On the Tectonics of the eastern Betic Cordilleras
Egeler, C.G.
C 135 - 19
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9.-  Orogenic evolution of the Betic zone (Betic Cordilleras, Spain)
Simon, Otto Jan; Egeler, C.G.
C 93 - 16
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10.-  Orogenic evolution of the Betic zone (Betic Cordilleras, Spain) with emphasis on the nappe structures
Simon, Otto Jan; Egeler, C.G.
C 93 - 1
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