Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
 Registros del al 6 de 6 encontrados

1.-  Characterization of organics, microorganisms, desert soils, and Mars-like soils by thermal volatilization coupled to mass spectrometry and their implications for the search for organics on Mars by Phoenix and future space missions
Mary Ann Liebert; Larchmont, NY; USA; United States, 2009
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2.-  H (sub 2) S emissions from Cerro Prieto geothermal power plant, Mexico, and air pollutants measurements in the area
Elsevier; Oxford-New York; III; International, 2013
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3.-  Multidisciplinary approach of the hyperarid desert of Pampas de La Joya in southern Peru as a new Mars-like soil analog
Elsevier; New York, NY; III; International, 2011
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4.-  Reanalysis of the Viking results suggests perchlorate and organics at midlatitudes on Mars
American Geophysical Union; Washington, DC; USA; United States, 2010
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5.-  Soil carbon distribution and site characteristics in hyper-arid soils of the Atacama Desert; a site with Mars-like soils
Elsevier; Oxford-New York; III; International, 2012
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6.-  The limitations on organic detection in Mars-like soils by thermal volatilization-gas chromatography-MS and their implications for the Viking results
National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC; USA; United States, 2006
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