Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  Boulder deposition during major tsunami events
Wiley; Chichester; GBR; United Kingdom, 2011
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2.-  New Cancellariidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the Miocene Gatun Formation of Panama, with eleven new species
Paleontological Society; Lawrence, KS; USA; United States, 2012
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3.-  New species and records of Cancellariinae (Caenogastropoda) from tropical America, together with a catalogue of Neogene to Recent species from this region
Backhuys for the Tertiary Research Group and the Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie; Lei, 2012
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4.-  The family Cancellariidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Neogene of the Bocas del Toro region, Panama, with the description of seven new species
Paleontological Society; Lawrence, KS; USA; United States, 2012
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5.-  The genus Strombus (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Strombidae) in the Neogene of the Bocas del Toro area, Panama, with the description of three new species
Paleontological Society; Lawrence, KS; USA; United States, 2011
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6.-  Trace fossil assemblages on Miocene rocky shores of southern Iberia
Srpinger-Verlag; Berlin; DEU; Federal Republic of Germany, 2008
Current developments in bioerosion
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