Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Resultados de la consulta :
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
 Registros del al 3 de 3 encontrados

1.-  Extent and persistence of water repellency in north-western Spanish soils
John Wiley & Sons; New York, NY; USA; United States, 2007
Soil water repellancy; origin, environmental controls and hydrological impacts
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2.-  Natural severity of water repellency in pine forest soils from NW Spain and influence of wildfire severity on its persistence
Elsevier; Amsterdam; NLD; Netherlands, 2012
Fire effects on soil properties
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3.-  Temporal fluctuations of water repellency in forest soils of Galicia, NW Spain; do soil samples dried at laboratory reflect the potential soil water repellency?
Wiley-Blackwell; New York, NY; USA; United States, 2012
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