Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  Paleoenvironmental reconstruction and human colonization at Paso Otero 5 site; implications for the Pampean region (Argentina)
[International Union for Quaternary Research];; III; International, 2003
XVI INQUA congress; Shaping the Earth; a Quaternary perspective
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2.-  Paleoenvironments in the Paso Otero locality during late Pleistocene-Holocene (Pampean region, Argentina); an interdisciplinary approach
Elsevier; Oxford; GBR; United Kingdom, 2011
Multidisciplinary studies in southern South American archaeology
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3.-  Soil formation and site formation at archaeological sites in the Rio Quequen Grande valley (southeastern Pampas), Argentina; the Paso Otero 4 site
Geological Society of America (GSA); Boulder, CO; USA; United States, 2008
Geological Society of America, 2008 annual meeting
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4.-  Trends in the faunal human exploitation during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene in the Pampean region (Argentina)
Elsevier; Oxford; GBR; United Kingdom, 2008
ICAZ 2006; Zooarchaeology of the late Pleistocene/early Holocene in the Americas and zooarchaeological evidence of the ancient Maya and their environment
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