Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  Holocene palaeohydrology and climate variability in northeastern Spain; the sedimentary record of Lake Estanya (pre-Pyrenean Range)
Elsevier; Oxford; GBR; United Kingdom, 2008
The last 15 ka of environmental change in Mediterranean regions; interpreting different archives
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2.-  Lateglacial and Holocene palaeohydrology in the western Mediterranean region; the Lake Estanya record (NE Spain)
Elsevier;; III; International, 2009
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3.-  Marine geology, oceanography and climate
The Geological Society; London; GBR; United Kingdom, 2007
The geology of Chile
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4.-  Seismic attenuation in northeastern Sonora, Mexico
Seismological Society of America; Berkeley, CA; USA; United States, 2008
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5.-  The late Quaternary paleoenvironment of Chile as seen from marine archives
Fotorotar; Egg; CHE; Switzerland, 2006
Palaeo-Geooekologie der Zentralen Anden ;Paleo-geoecology of the Central Andes
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