Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  A high-accommodation system tract in an intracratonic continental basin (Bauru Unit, Upper Cretaceous, southeast Brazil)
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Geowissenschaften; Hanover; DEU; Federal Republic of Germany, 2006
Sediment 2006; abstracts and field trips
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2.-  Depositional architecture in an intracratonic alluvial basin dominated of arid climate (neo-Cretaceous of northern Bauru Basin, SE Brazil)
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Geowissenschaften; Hanover; DEU; Federal Republic of Germany, 2006
Sediment 2006; abstracts and field trips
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3.-  Depositional mechanisms and architecture of a pre-early Cambrian mixed sand-mud deepwater ramp (Apiuna Unit, south Brazil)
Elsevier; Amsterdam; NLD; Netherlands, 2006
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4.-  Geologic correlation between the Neoproterozoic Sergipano Belt (NE Brazil) and the Yaounde Belt (Cameroon, Africa)
Elsevier; Oxford; GBR; United Kingdom, 2006
The Precambrian of Central Africa dedicated to Henri A.B. Kampunzu
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5.-  The importance of the combined flows in the sedimentary record of siliciclastic shelves; the Portezuelo del Tontal and Sierra de la Invernada Formations, Middle-Upper Ordovician, Argentine Precordillera
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Geowissenschaften; Hanover; DEU; Federal Republic of Germany, 2006
Sediment 2006; abstracts and field trips
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