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Cartografía Digital del IGME
Cantabria geological map, scale 1:100.000
Mapa con las unidades cronolitoestratigráficas de la zona cubierta por la hoja separadas por distintos tipos de contactos: normal o concordante, discordante, intrusivo y de otra índole. La estructura tectónica se representa mediante las trazas cartográficas de los pliegues, la orientación y buzamiento de los elementos planares y lineares contenidos en las rocas, así como por la relación estructural -mediante fallas y cabalgamientos- entre los conjuntos rocosos diferenciados cartográficamente. El mapa está acompañado de la leyenda litoestratigráfica y los signos convencionales.

Information available

      Maps Maps
      Web map services Web map services
      Metadata Metadata

Map in PDF format

ArcGIS Online web map Interactive map that displays geographic information. These maps support visualization, editing, analysis, and time. Maps are the basis of apps and can be viewed on a wide variety of clients, including mobile devices, desktop applications, and web browsers.

Web map services

Web Map Service (WMS) A Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the Internet that are generated by a map server using data from a GIS database. The specification was developed and first published by the Open Geospatial Consortium in 1999.

ArcGIS Server service An ArcGIS Server web service represents a GIS resource—such as a map, locator, or image—that is located on an ArcGIS Server site and is made available to client applications.

Google Earth service (KML) KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for mobile. KML uses a tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes and is based on the XML standard.


ISO 19115 Metadata

Published map authors

Mesozoico y terciario
Alejandro Robador Moreno ( ITGE)

Paleozoico Liébana y Unidades palentinas
Nemesio Heredia Carballo ( ITGE)
Luis Roberto Rodríguez Fernández ( ITGE )

Paleozoico Picos de Europa
Jorge Marquinez García (UNIV. OVIEDO)
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