Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  Accessory phases in Argentine impact melt breccias; implications for shock history, emplacement dynamics, vapor composition and target lithologies
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; Houston, TX; USA; United States, 2005
Lunar and planetary science, XXXVI; papers presented to the Thirty-sixth lunar and planetary science conference
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2.-  La Dulce Crater; evidence for a 2.8 km impact structure in the eastern Pampas of Argentina
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; Houston, TX; USA; United States, 2007
Lunar and planetary science; XXXVIII; papers presented to the Thirty-eighth lunar and planetary science conference
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3.-  Non-modal melting of target rocks to produce impactite at Monturaqui Crater, Chile
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; Houston, TX; USA; United States, 2010
Lunar and planetary science conference XLI; papers presented to the Forty-first lunar and planetary science conference
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4.-  The significance of hydrous glasses in Argentine impact melt breccias
Meteoritical Society; Fayetteville, AR; USA; United States, 2005
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