Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  Cartographie morphopedologique; de l'evaluation des terres a la recherche en geomorphologie ;Morphopedological mapping; from land evaluation to research in geomorphology
Groupe Francais de Geomorphologie (GFG); Paris; FRA; France, 2009
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2.-  Illite neoformation in plagioclase during weathering; evidence from semi-arid northeast Brazil
Elsevier; Amsterdam; NLD; Netherlands, 2009
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3.-  Landforms and neotectonics in the equatorial passive margin of Brazil
Masson; Paris; FRA; France, 2006
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4.-  Late Cenozoic and present day hill slope erosion dynamics in a passive margin context; stability or instability? Case studies in northeast Brazil
Comitato Glaciologico Italiano; Turin; ITA; Italy, 2013
Environmental geography; from field observations to mapping, from processes to risk management; a tribute to Prof. Monique Fort (University of Paris-Diderot)
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5.-  Long-term landscape evolution and denudation rates in shield and platform areas; a morphostratigraphic approach
SEDES; Paris; FRA; France, 2009
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6.-  Low post-Cenomanian denudation depths across the Brazilian northeast; implications for long-term landscape evolution at a transform continental margin
Elsevier; Amsterdam; NLD; Netherlands, 2008
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7.-  Scarp morphology and identification of large-scale mass movements in tropical tablelands; the eastern Araripe Basin (Ceara, Brazil)
Groupe Francais de Geomorphologie (GFG); Paris; FRA; France, 2011
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8.-  Spatial variations of soil weathering processes in a tropical mountain environment; the Baturite Massif and its piedmont (Ceara, NE Brazil)
Elsevier;; III; International, 2012
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