Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Resultados de la consulta :
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
 Registros del al 3 de 3 encontrados

1.-  A preliminary inventory of rock glaciers at 30 degrees S latitude, Cordillera Frontal of San Juan, Argentina
Elsevier; Oxford; GBR; United Kingdom, 2009
Hurricanes and typhoons; from the field records to the forecast
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2.-  Morphometric analysis of Colangueil River basin and flash flood hazard, San Juan, Argentina
Springer International; Berlin; DEU; Federal Republic of Germany, 2008
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3.-  Morphometric characterization of the Carrizal Basin applied to the evaluation of flash floods hazard, San Juan, Argentina
Elsevier; Oxford; GBR; United Kingdom, 2012
PASH-2; Controversies in the late Quaternary of the Southern Hemisphere
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