Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
 Registros del al 5 de 5 encontrados

1.-  Estimation of the maximum temperature reached in burned soils using near-infrared spectroscopy; effects of soil sample pre-treatments
Elsevier; Amsterdam; NLD; Netherlands, 2010
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in soil science and land resource assessment
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2.-  Plant cover and soil biochemical properties in a mine tailing pond five years after application of marble wastes and organic amendments
Elsevier; Beijing; CHN; China, 2012
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3.-  Soil properties under natural forest in the Alicante Province of Spain
Elsevier; Amsterdam; NLD; Netherlands, 2007
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4.-  Spiking of NIR regional models using samples from target sites; effect of model size on prediction accuracy
Elsevier; Amsterdam; NLD; Netherlands, 2010
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in soil science and land resource assessment
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5.-  The effect of former mining activities on contamination dynamics in sediments, surface water and vegetation in El Avenque Stream, SE Spain
Springer; Dordrecht; NLD; Netherlands, 2012
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