Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
 Registros del al 3 de 3 encontrados

1.-  Fragility of western Mediterranean landscapes during Holocene rapid climate changes
Elsevier;; III; International, 2013
Long-term degradation of fragile landscape systems
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2.-  Northern Iberian abrupt climate change dynamics during the last glacial cycle; a view from lacustrine sediments
Elsevier;; III; International, 2012
The INTegration of Ice core, Marine and TErrestrial records of the last termination (INTIMATE) 60,000 to 8000 BP
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3.-  Palynological evidence for environmental and climatic change in the lower Guadiana Valley, Portugal, during the last 13000 years
SAGE Publications; London; GBR; United Kingdom, 2007
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