Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

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Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
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1.-  A late Holocene palaeoenvironmental record from western Mexico
Fachrichtung Palaeontologie, Institut fuer Geologische Wissenschaften, Freie Universitaet Berlin; Be, 2005
15th international symposium on Ostracoda; program and abstracts
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2.-  A record of natural and human impact during the last 2500 years in Lake Zirahuen western-central Mexico
American Quaternary Association; Seattle, WA; USA; United States, 2008
American Quaternary Association, program and abstracts of the 2008 biennial meeting
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3.-  Ecosystem responses to climate and disturbances in western central Mexico during the late Pleistocene and Holocene
Elsevier; Amsterdam; NLD; Netherlands, 2013
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4.-  Environmental magnetism study of western Mexico volcanic soils and their relationship with lake sediments
Geological Society of America (GSA); Boulder, CO; USA; United States, 2012
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 108th annual meeting
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5.-  Lake Zirahuen (central Mexico); an example of lacustrine sedimentation in volcanic settings
Geological Society of America (GSA); Boulder, CO; USA; United States, 2012
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 108th annual meeting
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6.-  Late Holocene climatic variability at western Mexico; evidence from the sedimentary record of a tropical crater lake
American Quaternary Association; Seattle, WA; USA; United States, 2006
Program and abstracts of the 19th biennial meeting of the American Quaternary Association
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7.-  Late Pleistocene-Holocene environmental magnetism from Lake Zirahuen sediments, Michoacan, Mexico
Geological Society of America (GSA); Boulder, CO; USA; United States, 2012
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 108th annual meeting
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8.-  Late Pleistocene-Holocene record of environmental changes in Lake Zirahuen, central Mexico
Springer; Dordrecht; NLD; Netherlands, 2010
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9.-  The late Holocene diatom record from Lake Santa Maria del Oro, Nay.; a laminated sequence from western Mexico
American Quaternary Association; Seattle, WA; USA; United States, 2008
American Quaternary Association, program and abstracts of the 2008 biennial meeting
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