Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

LogoSistema de información documental - SID




Resultados de la consulta :
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
 Registros del al 5 de 5 encontrados

1.-  3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion in the Santiago de Chile Basin based on a shear-wave velocity model derived from ambient noise measurements
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Geowissenschaften; Hanover; DEU; Germany, 2010
GeoDarmstadt 2010; Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft; 162, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geowissenschaften/ 99, Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung/ 8th European coal conference; Kurzfassungen der Vortraege und Poster--GeoDarmstadt2010; geosciences secure the future, 162th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Geowissenschaften and 99th annual meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung e.V. and 8th European coal conference; abstracts of lectures and posters
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2.-  A comparison of site response techniques using earthquake data and ambient seismic noise analysis in the large urban areas of Santiago de Chile
Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society, the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellsch, 2009
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3.-  Coseismic slip model of the 2007 August Pisco earthquake (Peru) as constrained by wide swath radar observations
Blackwell Science for the Royal Astronomical Society, the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft and, 2008
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4.-  Modelling basin effects on earthquake ground motion in the Santiago de Chile basin by a spectral element code
Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society, the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellsch, 2011
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5.-  Shear wave velocity model of the Santiago de Chile Basin derived from ambient noise measurements; a comparison of proxies for seismic site conditions and amplification
Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society, the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellsch, 2010
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